Why is dog walking important for your dog?

Why is dog walking important for your dog?

Dog walking provides three important things for your dog. First is exercise. Just like it is important for us to exercise every day, the same goes for our dogs. It helps to burn calories that they eat throughout the day. Exercise uses up excess energy that your dog...
10 Questions You Should Ask before Buying a Puppy

10 Questions You Should Ask before Buying a Puppy

This is the second installment of a multi-blog post about puppies. If you would like to be notified about future posts, please subscribe in the form below this post. Many people spend money on puppies only to be disappointed when they find out they have health...
4 Things Do Before Getting a Puppy!

4 Things Do Before Getting a Puppy!

This is going to be a multi-part series about puppy ownership, how to find a good breeder of a purebred puppy, why you may want to consider adopting, what actually goes into a good purebred dog, is a puppy right for you, getting ready to bring a puppy home and many...